Saturday, February 19, 2011

Multidimensional Hair Tones

Multidimensional Hair Tones

I’ve never understood the facets of multidimensional hair, because I’ve never been brave enough to get it done. Scratch that: I’ve never been patient enough to sit in a chair to get it done. I certainly did not want to stay awake for hours wondering why I put myself through the ordeal, even though the end result could quite possibly be stunning.

Multidimensional hair tones actually, add personality to your hair and can make you appear radiant. Some hair tones draw attention to your face, others speak out about your bold personality, and still others can make you appear elegant.

If you have a darker hair color, you naturally want to add lighter shades of the same color to create a multidimensional tone. Dark reds can be highlighted (or low lighted) with strawberry blonde and blonde to make your hair subtly richer in color. The same is true in reverse: if you’ve got a light color for a base, dark colors within the same family should be added. A truly light color should have medium colored lowlights applied to it.

The point of multidimensional hair tones is to make them look natural. You do not want people to look at your hair and say “Why did she do that?” It’s supposed to be subtle, not obvious. This is the reason we have stylists, though. Keep in mind that they may focus more on the front and sides of your hair than the back, but it will still look amazing in the end. And while I’m sure you don’t want to pay the price, trust me – it’s worth every penny.

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