Monday, February 14, 2011

Teenage boy hairstyles in 2009

Teenage boy hairstyles in 2009

Nothing depicts the current and prevalent fads of our society as the varied and distinct hairdos of teenage boys. Sure, girls are quicker to adopt new trends, but, at the same time, are more fickle-minded in their choices. Undoubtedly, it is their male counterparts who give a consistent representation of mass outlook. For instance, Mr. Obama is the new “It” guy, so there will be a lot many teenage boys sporting his military crop.

The world is in recession, so don't expect that many full and exuberantly flowing hair; those will be pulled out too easily. Also, as many action heroes are sporting the so-called Hair Tattoos’, we are likely to see a lot of young guys with parts of their scalps strategically shaved off. There is no doubt that there are too many hairstyles out there in the world of fashion which can be tried successfully by the teenage boys in 2009.

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