Saturday, March 12, 2011

An Alice Band Hairstyle

An Alice Band Hairstyle

Not all women would wear an Alice band, but it is one way to keep your hair style under control and off your face. It is a rather severe look with all the hair pulled back off the forehead. You can use one with either long or shorter hair. Alice bands also come with fake hair falls that can add more hair with a different style or color. Another way to capture the hair is to tie a head scarf on over the hair. This will stop it being blown about when riding in a convertible.

There are a lot of good looking hair grips or hair pins available. These can also be used to capture a lot of hair and hold it in place. You can use small light weight hair clips that capture only a few strands of hair and keep it out of your eyes. There are all types of bands that can be used to gather up the hair and hold it in place. Some are quite whimsical.

Of course there is the plain old rubber band to hole a pony tail. But with so many choices, it is more fun to get something with color or style. Barrettes will also hold hair in place. They look so much better than old fashioned bobby pins. Fabric flowers on a clip or grip are quite attractive as a method to hold your hair in place. You do have lots of choices beyond the Alice band these days.

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