Thursday, March 24, 2011

How to Tell Your Hairdresser What You Want

How to Tell Your Hairstylist What You Want

Winter is almost over and it is the time to trim those dead ends of hair, go for a new look and then get out of the spring wardrobe that has been hiding in the back of your closet for the past two months. The thing is, how do you tell your hairdresser what you want in your new look? How can you make sure that you get it perfectly right?

Angelina Jolie and Rihanna Hairstyles

One of the easiest things that you can do to make sure that the hairdresser that you have called upon gets your hair exactly as you want it is to take in a picture of a hairstyle that you like. From this point, the hairstylist can assure you of whether or not it will sort you and then have a better idea of how to cut it when the decision has been made. For example, if you want Angelina Jolie’s long locks, you can take a magazine cut out of Angelina Jolie with her latest style in. If you wanted a dramatic cut such as the short cropped look that Rihanna is currently sporting, then you can cut a picture out of Rihanna and take this with you. The internet can help with pictures of various hairstyles and you can always print these out.
At the end of the day, you want to make sure that you get the hairstyle that you have dreamed of and you should remember that if the stylist isn’t doing it quite right, you must tell them so otherwise you could end up with a style and cut that you don’t actually like.

Pictures Copyright of PR PHOTOS

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