Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mens Afro Haircuts in 2010

Mens Afro Haircuts in 2010

The afro has long been a popular trend and gives anyone a funky look. It is worn my men and women and is seen to be the most natural hairstyle there is. Here is some of what will be seen when it comes to mens Afro haircuts in 2010. Afros have been brought to the red carpet many time by the likes of Lenny Kravitz and Spike Lee. Because African-American hair in its natural state is very curly, it is strong and can be turned into a wide variety of styles. The curly nature allows for the growth of an afro just like a puff or a halo around the head. They range from around an inch in length to several inches, which is the one that was made popular in the 70s. It is definitely making a comeback and many more will be seen throughout the year. Afros may all look the same but there are subtle differences that can be noted. Like any other hairstyle, afros these days are being tailored to suit the shape of the face and manageability. For a more square face the afros are styled into a round design. With round faces the afro is cut into a more elongated style. There is also the buzz cut, which is great because the shorter do is a lot more manageable. When choosing an afro cut, it is important to remember that afros require a certain amount of care to make sure they are always at their best, so when following a trend always make sure you can manage to maintain it. Mens afro haircuts in 2010 will not differ much from years gone by, but men will be more likely to start experimenting with larger dos and shapes that complement the shapes of their faces.

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