Thursday, April 21, 2011

What To Do With A Bad Hairdresser

What To Do With A Bad Hairdresser - Summer 2009 Hair Tips

What do you do when a hairdresser has cut your hair wrong or made it the wrong color? Do you still tip the person and then walking out feeling miserable and looking completely the opposite as what you wanted? If you need advice on what to do when you are not happy with your hair cut or style then you need to look no further.

Ken Paves is certainly not one of them....

If it was your usual hairdresser or stylist that gave you the bad cut then you need to either ask them if they have a few moments so that they can sit down and talk to you or ask to book an appointment as soon as possible in order to discuss it. If you need to go away and then come back, make sure that you take photos of your hair and put it with the picture of the cut that you wanted as proof. When you do talk to the hairdresser, make sure that you tell them that you are not happy with the service that you have received. Nine times out of ten, if you are calm and do not lose your temper and explain in an adult manner, the stylist will be happy to give you the haircut for free and then sort it out again for you for free as well. When you lose your temper and get angry however, you are not likely to get anywhere. Remember to be calm and to talk to the stylist as you would usually speak to him or her. You can normally sort these things out very easily so do not panic.

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